Company Secretarial Service
Under Chapter 32 of the Companies Act of Hong Kong, limited companies registered in Hong Kong shall appoint a company secretary to fulfill its statutory obligations. Its duties include reporting to the Companies Registry about changes in the company structure, shareholders and directors. Companies are aIso required to prepare the agenda for the board of directors, organize annual general meetings and provide professional advice on the matters related to the relevant regulations.
Willtop, by providing top-notch Hong Kong company secretarial services, addresses the clients’ concerns towards the relevant regulations and assesses whether your company strategies are in compliance with the regulatory requirements. Willtop will also keep you posted on the latest updates in the Companies Act and individually elaborate the relevant impacts on your company.
Our secretarial services include:
• Prepare and keep legal records, such as the register of members and the register of directors
• Arrange and attend directors and shareholders' meetings and prepare minutes for meetings
• Prepare and submit legal documents, including annual returns
• Prepare and submit a business registration application
• Assist in opening a bank account
• Assist in applying for a Hong Kong work visa
• Company cancellation and suspension of application
• Provide information on company winding up and bankruptcy
HK$3,500per Year
1 Year Plan
2 Years Plan
HK$3,000per Year
3 Years Plan
HK$2,500per Year
Best Value